Calf stretch
Calf stretch

Hold onto the wall with your hands and move your knee towards the wall touching it then moving it back.

calf stretch

My favorite drill is to stand facing a wall with one foot about 6” away. To maintain mobility of the ankle you should regularly mobilize the joint by moving it around. Hold for at least 1 minute, which should actively release the calf muscles and repeat if necessary. If you don’t have a slant board you can use a cutting board propped up on a step or simply hang off a step. Once you have improved the quality of the tissue, it’s time to get a good stretch by standing tall with one foot on a slant board. To release the tissue use a foam roller, lacrosse ball or simply knead the calf muscles to loosen them up as well as increase their temperature. I recommend a three-pronged approach to help relieve muscle stiffness in the calves including soft tissue modalities, using a slant board for a stretch, and mobilizing the ankle joint. – Marc Perry ,CSCS, CPT Best Calf Stretch #2 | Downward Dog You may have bone spurs that are preventing you from increasing mobility. The tightness may not not be from muscle knots. You may find going to a doctor or manual therapist may be in order if you are not making much progress to learn more. The idea is to take actions that actually make a difference so you don’t waste your time. You want to be at a point so that you have maximum distance from the wall, but your heel is still against the ground and knee touching the wall. Measure the distance between your toes and the wall to see how your doing. I don’t think yanking on things like with band distractions is a good idea.Įvery time you take an action to improve your calves whether it be foam rolling or stretching, measure your ankle mobility by placing your foot facing a wall a few inches away, then press your knee to the wall without lifting your heel. So stretching is likely a part of the puzzle. There are a few primary options to consider (1) rolling your calves, (2) roll the bottom of your feet on a ball and (3) stretching, including a weighted calf stretch.

calf stretch

I think the best way to relieve tight calves is to take a strategic approach and measure the effects of your actions.

Calf stretch